On the rower

On the rower

Friday 18 December 2009

Tennis elbow hampers rowing!

When i came back from holiday in October, i carried in our luggage from the car and afterwards my left elbow was hurting. Thinking little of it i continued to row, but over the last few weeks the pain has increased. So i stopped rowing about 10 days ago, have been pumping in the Neurofen and trying to rest my elbow in the hope that it will improve to enable me to continue rowing. I have continued in the gym on the bicycle to keep up my fitness. I realised how 'addicted' i have become to rowing as i have found it incredibly hard not to get on and row. In fact today i did row for 15 minutes to check out the elbow as the support that i have been using seems to have helped a bit! Hopefully with a week off at Christmas it will calm down and i can get back to some serious rowing in the New Year.

Off for an ECG next week following an increase in palpitations! Hopefully just extreme tiredness following recent flu and many sleepless nights with the kids being and/or stress with recent extra workload with moving mum etc. and/or too much caffeine!

Total metres rowed =845315m.
Happy Christmas to everyone

May God bless you in the year ahead.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

80% of the way and still going!

For a month by month breakdown see the link to my rowing map on the right hand side of this page.